Banda : Lackey die
Album : s/t
Ano : 2010 ( Originalmente 1982 )
Localização : Estados unidos
Comentário : Faz tempo que eu queria postar esse ep aqui mas como sou chato em relação a não postar nada que esteja em catálago ... Bom eu vi esse ep em vários blogs na internet e resolvi postar essa maravilha também ! Banda muito foda que durou de 1982 a 1985 onde acabaram , nunca chegaram a gravar nada na época e a sua master que continha 2 sessões de estúdio ficaram um bom tempo esquecidas até que o selo Feel it records lançou em ep essa maravilha do hardcore americano com o número de 500 cópias . E a justiça foi feita depois de 25 anos ! Ainda bem , eu diria . Grande ep e grande banda , hardcore como deve ser feito , sem frescuras e sem demagogias , abraços e até amanhã.
Comment: A long time I wanted to post here this ep but as I am boring compared to not post anything that is in catalogue ... Well I saw this ep on various blogs on the internet and decided to post this wonder too! Really fucking band that lasted from 1982 to 1985 where he ended up, they never recorded anything and his master tape that contained two studio sessions were forgotten a long time until the label Feel it records released this wonder of the american hardcore with the number of 500 copies. And justice was done after 25 years! Thankfully, I'd say. Great band and great ep, hardcore should be done without frills and without demagoguery, hugs and even tomorrow.

Comment: A long time I wanted to post here this ep but as I am boring compared to not post anything that is in catalogue ... Well I saw this ep on various blogs on the internet and decided to post this wonder too! Really fucking band that lasted from 1982 to 1985 where he ended up, they never recorded anything and his master tape that contained two studio sessions were forgotten a long time until the label Feel it records released this wonder of the american hardcore with the number of 500 copies. And justice was done after 25 years! Thankfully, I'd say. Great band and great ep, hardcore should be done without frills and without demagoguery, hugs and even tomorrow.
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