Banda : Disorderly conduct
Album : Amen
Ano : 1986
Localização : Estados unidos
Comentário : Excelente banda hardcore/punk com influências de crossover muito nítidas e aparente . Pareciam ser uma banda Cristã , eu disse pareciam por que a banda em si nunca negou e também nunca admitiu em sua história se era ou não . Este disco é muito foda e como já dizia o ditado que aqui verdadeiramente se aplica : "Não se julga um livro pela capa" , este disco não me deixa mentir , grande domingo e até amanhã .
Comment: Excellent band hardcore / punk influenced by crossover very clear and apparent. Seemed to be a Christian band, I said that seemed the band itself has never denied and also admitted never in its history if it was or not. This disc is really cool and as the saying has it truly applies here: "Do not judge a book by its cover", this disc will not let me lie, and even great Sunday tomorrow.

Comment: Excellent band hardcore / punk influenced by crossover very clear and apparent. Seemed to be a Christian band, I said that seemed the band itself has never denied and also admitted never in its history if it was or not. This disc is really cool and as the saying has it truly applies here: "Do not judge a book by its cover", this disc will not let me lie, and even great Sunday tomorrow.
excellent post, classic florida hardcore metallic punxxx!
ResponderExcluirpunknotprofit blogspot has some posts D.C. early demos.
Thank you for the tip, I'll go there and download these demos, hugs .