Banda : Moral suckling
Album : No more war toys
Ano : 1990
Localização : Estados unidos
Comentário : Primeiro ep do Moral suckling banda altamente política em suas letras e apesar de serem uma banda de hardcore/punk suas influências anarco-punk são muito evidentes também . Gravaram mais um Lp no ano de 1992 onde imagino eu que a banda tenha acabado . Bom sábado para você e até amanhã.
Comment: First ep of Moral suckling band highly political in their lyrics and even though they are a band of hardcore / punk their influences anarcho-punk are evident as well. They recorded one more LP in 1992 where I imagine that the band has finished. Good Saturday to you until tomorrow.

Comment: First ep of Moral suckling band highly political in their lyrics and even though they are a band of hardcore / punk their influences anarcho-punk are evident as well. They recorded one more LP in 1992 where I imagine that the band has finished. Good Saturday to you until tomorrow.
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