Banda : Imminent attack
Album : Element of surprise
Ano : 1984
Localização : Estados unidos
Comentário : Banda de punk rock/hardcore fudida com um vocal bem original , este aqui foi seu primeiro disco mas antes deste lançaram duas tapes , depois de alguns anos já em 1988 lançaram seu segundo disco que fugiu mais para o metal . A banda durou aproximadamente este período de 1984 a 1988 não sei ao certo as informações na internet são muito escassas . Bom sábado e até amanhã .
Comment: Fuck punk rock / hardcore with a very original voice, this one was his first album but released two of the tapes after a few years back in 1988 released their second album that ran more to the metal. The band lasted this period from 1984 to 1988 I'm not sure the information on the Internet are very scarce. Excellent saturday and until tomorrow .

Comment: Fuck punk rock / hardcore with a very original voice, this one was his first album but released two of the tapes after a few years back in 1988 released their second album that ran more to the metal. The band lasted this period from 1984 to 1988 I'm not sure the information on the Internet are very scarce. Excellent saturday and until tomorrow .

Thanks for the post... :)