Banda : Kauneus & Terveys
Album : Kasvi
Ano : 1986
Localização : Finlândia
Comentário : Excelente banda punk rock da Finlândia , começaram a tocar em 1983 e duraram até 1988 e neste período gravaram três ep's e duas participações em compilações, depois retornaram novamente no ano de 1995 e gravaram mais dois discos e ao que parece estão na ativa até os dias de hoje, não sei ao certo . Excelente domingo e até amanhã.
Comment: Great punk rock band from Finland, began playing in 1983 and lasted until 1988 and during this period recorded three EPs and two appearances on compilations, then returned again in 1995 and recorded two more albums and apparently are active until this day, I'm not sure. Excellent Sunday and see you tomorrow .

Comment: Great punk rock band from Finland, began playing in 1983 and lasted until 1988 and during this period recorded three EPs and two appearances on compilations, then returned again in 1995 and recorded two more albums and apparently are active until this day, I'm not sure. Excellent Sunday and see you tomorrow .
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